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Lefty's KPIs

An overview of all the different kinds of metrics you will frequently see while using Lefty.

Annika Baer avatar
Written by Annika Baer
Updated over a week ago

Lefty's metrics simplify performance evaluation for each influencer's activities. Our guide defines these metrics and includes computation formulas when available.






Cost for 1000 impressions, (this will be used in the Earned Media Value estimation).


The number of times a post has been viewed.


This is used for video posts and is reported by the network.


Earned Media Value, the equivalent ad spend that you would have to spend to achieve an equal number of impressions.

Post Impressions / 1000 * CPM

Potential Reach

The maximum number of unique users that can be reached in a campaign.

Sum of the followers of the influencers.


The unique number of users exposed to any of the influencers' posts in a campaign.

Max (impressions) * 0.85


Sum of all interactions on a given post.

Average engagements over the last 3 months / Followers

Engagement Rate

The number of engagements in relation to number of followers.

Engagements / Number of followers

Average Coverage

Reach / Followers or

10 (likes multiplier) * 0.7 (reach ratio) * engagement rate

Impressions Calculation

Network Post Type Default CPM Formula

Instagram Image $15 10 * Likes

Carousel $15 10 * Likes

Story $15 5 * Engagement Rate *


Video $15 Views

YouTube Video $70 Views

X (Twitter) Post $15 Views or

(Likes + Comments +

Reshares) * 100

TikTok Post $15 Views

Facebook Text $15 10 * Likes

Image $15 10 * Likes

Carousel $15 10 * Likes

Video $15 10 * Likes

Douyin Post ¥40 ((0.005 * followers +

0.17 * likes + 0.4 *

forwards + 0.83 *

comments) + 5000) *

1000 / 40

Weibo Text ¥100 (0.015 * followers +

Image ¥100 0.5 * likes + 0.05 *

Video ¥100 views + 2.5 *

comments + 1.2 *

reshares) * 1000 /


WeChat Post ¥600 (0.5 * reads + 3.0 *

likes + 3.0 * wows +

15.0 * comments) *


Red Text ¥220 ((0.023 * followers +

Image ¥220 0.73 * likes + 1.76 *

Carousel ¥220 favorites + 3.7 *

comments) + 3500)

* 1000 / 220

Video ¥310 ((0.031 * followers +

1.0 * likes + 2.2 *

favorites + 5.2 *

comments) + 5000) *

1000 / 3107.1

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